miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009



The purpose of this blog is to motivate to live in harmony with the Universe. Our spirit is rooted on the same heart of the Cosmos, as our feet are well grounded on Earth. So, humankind has to evolve to comprehend that we must perceive the very purpose of the universe with the same simplicity and as something so common as walking. Our consciousness can fly by the sky with the same certainty as our body runs over Earth. We are entitled to live both realities.

FENIX TERRA is the name of the blog for two reasons. We as human beings must evolve like a Fenix from our troubles and challenges breaking the chains that ties us to materialism. At the same time, we have to be able to let our Planet rebirth like a Fenix, after centuries of intense heat of the human greed and passion. Our planet need to revive like a Fenix from global warming and contaminated ecosystems.

So, double FENIX for humans and for our common TERRA, our Mother Earth.

Please feel free to write us to fenixterra1@gmail.com so I could share with you some of these articles in my basic English.